Prime Sports Center was designed to optimize training for all of our clients to reach their highest potential. Whether it be in baseball, softball, soccer, lacrosse, football, field hockey, or any other turf-based sport, Prime Sports Center has the spaces for you to grow and improve your skills.
Facility Spaces
Baseball & Softball
Batting Tunnels
We have six 15' x 55' batting tunnels, all including an L-Screen, and a batting tee. Baseballs and softball are also included with your rental. Tunnel #6 (tunnel at the far end) has a hand-fed pitching machine in it, if you or your team desires higher speed, or more consistent batting training.

All Turf Sports
Multisport Turf Fields
For athletes requiring more space for their sport training, and even desiring to play competitive games, our two 40' x 105' turf fields are the perfect fit. Both fields come with a futsal-sized soccer goal on both ends, and we have baseballs, softballs, and soccer balls available for use during your rental.

Baseball Only
Pitching Lab
Our dedicated pitching lab provides baseball pitchers an independent space to work on their craft. Four permanent pitching mounds, a variety of plyo-balls, bands, Core Velocity Belts, Rapsodo, and camera technology, along with movable plates allows pitchers of all ages and skill levels to grow their game.

All Sports
Weight Room
Strength and conditioning is the pillar of all great athletes. Our weight room features a variety of machines and free weights, along with agility ladders, plyo-boxes, water bags, foam rollers, stationary bikes, treadmill, and more. Not to mention our trained staff will be with you every step of the way to ensure a challenging and efficient workout.

Baseball & Softball
Private Cage
Specifically for private lessons, our private cage provides an isolated space for baseball and softball players to receive the most optimized and efficient instruction for improving their swing, and their skills at the plate. A sitting area for parents also allows viewing and recording of lessons as well.